Sebelum memasuki kawasan makam, kita akan melalui sebuah masjid ciri Melaka dengan 3 bumbung dan menara azan pagoda.

Pintu gerbang memasuki kawasan Makam Hang Tuah......!!!

Hang Tuah adalah lagenda hero Melayu yang hidup di Zaman Kesultanan Melayu era kurun ke 15 dizaman Kesultanan Sultan Mansur Shah hingga ke Sultan Mahmud Shah.
Dalam petikan oleh pengkaji Sejarah Melayu oleh Inggeris tahun 1908, Hang Tuah terlibat dalah peperangan menentang Portugis dibawah Sultan Mahmud Shah dan mati semasa zaman peperangan dengan Portugis. Berikut petikannya....
"...As soon as this decision was arrived at, the Prince Alaedin(Sultan Ahmad Shah) and the Sultan of Pahang(son-in-law, The Prince) set about the defence of the town....."
".....A small Portuguese reserve on the Muar river-when the gallant Ruy d'Aranjo was killed - enabled the Laksamana Hang Tuah to entranch himself on the Malacca river and to 'beseige' the town...".
".....This famous Malay chief, whose name still lives in the memory of his countryman, was a man of extraordinarymen, was a man of extraordinary energy and resources. He fought the Portuguese by the sea in the narrows of the Singapore Straits; he surprised them off Cape Reccardo; he harrassed the town of Malacca from the upper reaches of its own river; he intrigued with the allies of the Portuguese; This indefatigable fighter died as he had lived, desperately warring the enemy of his race....".
"......With his death and with the destruction in 1526 of the Sultan's new stronghold in the island of Bintang, the Malay power was utterly destroyed....".
".....This famous Malay chief, whose name still lives in the memory of his countryman, was a man of extraordinarymen, was a man of extraordinary energy and resources. He fought the Portuguese by the sea in the narrows of the Singapore Straits; he surprised them off Cape Reccardo; he harrassed the town of Malacca from the upper reaches of its own river; he intrigued with the allies of the Portuguese; This indefatigable fighter died as he had lived, desperately warring the enemy of his race....".
"......With his death and with the destruction in 1526 of the Sultan's new stronghold in the island of Bintang, the Malay power was utterly destroyed....".
".....From 1511 to 1605 the Portuguese were the real masters of the straits...."
"....After Sultan Mahmud have been driven out of Malacca, he fled to Batu Hampar, while his son, the Prince Alaedin built a stockade at Pagoh. Pagoh was soon taken by the Portuguese. The Malay Prince soon took a refuge for a time in Pahang. After which they establish themself far up the Johor River where they were relatively safe from attack..."
Kerajaan negeri telah mengiktiraf makam di Tg Kling sebagai makam Hang Tuah kerana rekabentuknya hampir sama makam Hang Jebat dan Hang Kasturi yang ditemui di Melaka...!!
Hang Tuah terkenal dengan kata-katanya,
"Takkan melayu hilang didunia..!!!!."
Hang Tuah is a legendary warrior/hero who lived during the reign of Sultan Mansur Shah to Sultan Mahmud Shah of the Kesultanan Melaka in the 15 century. He was the greatest of all the "Laksamana", or sultan's admirals, and was known to be a ferocious fighter. Hang Tuah is held in the highest regard, even in present-day Malaysian Malay culture, and is arguably the most well-known and illustrious warrior figure in Malaysian history and literature.
Hang Kasturi, Hang Jebat, Hang Lekir and Hang Lekiu. Hang Tuah and his close-knit group of friends eventually became the Malay equivalent of The three Musketeer or as well as Robin Hood. He perfected his natural abilities at self-defense by practicing silatunder a teacher named "Guru' Adi Putra who also taught Hang Kasturi, Hang Jebat, Hang Lekir and Hang Lekiu.
Hang Tuah became the Sultan's constant aide, accompanying the King on official visits to foreign countries. On one such visit to Majapahit, Taming Sari, a famous Majapahit warrior, challenged Hang Tuah to a duel. After a brutal fight, Hang Tuah emerged as winner and the ruler of Majapahit bestowed upon him Taming Sari’s kris or weapon. The Taming Sari kris was named after its original owner, and was purported to be magical, empowering its owner with invincibility. It is said to be the source of Hang Tuah’s alleged supernatural abilities.
Hang Tuah also acted as the Sultan's ambassador, travelling on his Sultan's behalf to allied countries. Another story concerning Hang Tuah's legendary loyalty to the Sultan is found in the Hikayat Hang Tuah, and involves his visit to Inderaputa, in Pahang during one such voyage. The Sultan sent Hang Tuah to Pahang with the task of persuading the princess Tun Teja, who was already engaged, to become the Sultan's companion. Tun Teja fell under the impression that Hang Tuah had come to persuade her to marry him, not the Sultan, and agreed to elope with him to Melaka. It was only during the voyage home that Hang Tuah revealed his deception to Tun Teja.
Hang Tuah is famous for quoting the words
"Takkan Melayu Hilang di Dunia" which literally means
"Malays will never vanish from the face of the earth" or
"Never shall the Malay(s) (race) vanish from the face of the earth".
He remains an extremely popular Malay legend, embodying the values of Malay culture at the time, when allegiance and loyalty were paramount above all else. The Hang Tuah and Hang Jebat story, whether completely true or not, represents a paradox in the Malay psyche about loyalty and justice, and remains a point of debate among students of Malay history and literature.
Alhamdullilah..Akhirnya aku berjaya menjejakkan kaki aku ke makam legenda pahlawan Melayu terbilang Hang Tuah ketika aku mengunjungi saudaraku yang bertugas di HAT Kem Terendak pada 27 Disember 2011 yang lalu. Memang unik makam ini saiznya terlampau panjang,kalau dibanding saiz manusia normal. Mungkinkah orang-orang Melayu zaman dahulu bersaiz besar dan tinggi? Salam kesyukuran dari orang Kota Samarahan,Kuching,Sarawak.....
berape harge tiket nk masuk sne?
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